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Showing posts from September, 2021

No Greater Love: Epilogue

At last, it was time to stop for the night. The hotel was the cheapest we could find.  Angie excited to be with her dad jumped from one bed to the next. I would be sleeping on the floor tonight. Alice was running out of pills and her anxiety was climbing. She and Angie would be taking the beds.    A knock came, the hotel clerk delivering the extra room cards I'd requested. Angie dived into hiding. Alex gently convinced her to come out. Angie had been forced to hide for months. From neighbors, from cops, from the sun, and the carefree existence of childhood. My heart ached for her.  The trauma of the last few months and the excitement of being with her dad finally took its toll and she fell into a deep sleep.  At last, I could ask Alex about what happened at the courthouse.  Angie's grandmother accused Alex of vile perverted acts begging the court not to return Angie to her father. Angie's social worker took the stand denying the false claims and insisted it was in Angie'